Hi people!!! Sorry for leaving this blog for more than a week! I even didn't get the chance to post about my new year's celebration! :( Really sorry, if it wasn't because the whole of my family didn't go to Hawaii and I somehow forgot to brougth my gadgets -all of my gadgets- I would have posted everything live in Hawaii. So once again, I say sorry from my deepest heart :(
Still, don't ever think I have no post to be posted! Of course I have. Lots of great posts ahead, baby! More pictures, more stories, more fun things to be told. I've been waiting for this but we just arrived from Hawaii last night and I'm still freshly tanned :O But not that tanned. I don't like being over-tan. Hawaii was good. I love the warm weather. That was the first time I came to Hawaii and I suddenly fell in love with that place.... Oh, the only thing I regret, was that I didn't get the chance to meet with Bruno Mars! Damn!
Okay, I know you guys have bored with my chitchats, so here are some shots I took along with the story...
I may forgot about the laptop, internet connector, or else, but I never ever would forgot about my cameras and its stuffs. The night before I left, I asked Lucas what camera should I bring. He said almost all of my cameras are too good to be left :D So he suggested me to just bring the whole "gang" and I'll be fine!
First time arrived! We all went straight to the Oahu beach and it was pretty hilarious when Sel and Del rushed into the beautiful wave. I often saw some big fishes like dolphins swimming across the big waves. And that pretty turtle, right, kinda reminded me with "Founding Nemo" :D He seemed annoyed!
I found so many beautiful scneries to be snapped. Sel also didn't forget to bring her cute Patrick doll along :D She's such a child! I was pretty amazed by the clear blue seas and skies. Unlike in Moscow, I couldn't see the weather without ended up finding snow on my face :$ I picked out the Chanel oversized striped batwing in monochrome, Romwe black shorts, and the reflection of Sun necklace from Chain Reaction. A perfect look for the warm weather in Hawaii, no? ;)
For my dearest Lucas, from Hawaii with love!
The "talented" Elene, Sel and Del's older sister. Have I told you that she's one of the greatest guitarist of whole world? Yea, she has been playing guitar ever since Elvis was first appeared! :O Nah, kidding... But she sure is. After we spent the whole morning around the seashore, these 3 Minowa sisters asked me to join in with them at the flea markets. Well, why not? I found lots of good stuffs there. Like these denims. Nothing beats the "nasty" atmosphere of Hawaiian denims!
My hotel's back view and the restaurant. Oh you should try Hawaiian cuisine for sure! They're so much guilty pleasure! I've tried almost all of them and will post it on the next chapter, pink promise!
That's all the little review about my trip to Hawaii. I'm sure gonna miss all the funny and candid memories... Good night, and much love, Sera....