Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Your Tributes

Marni for H&M shoes (on sale).  I find it hard to define it in words but over the years which certainly didn't go unnoticed my perception and interpretation of fashion have drastically changed. It all has to do with the fact that I search for immersion/new visionaries and read more books/magazines. The person I was two years ago and especially what I wore two years ago has totally disappeared and in my opinion grew into someone who became more sophisticated and able to distinguish herself from others. Yesterday Jasper convinced me to finally break all the walls down and do a closet clean out. It sure wasn't the easiest thing to do but after doing it and going from four full closets to one it felt more then good. It gives me a better view of what I have and how I want to emerge my style. There comes a time where you have to look ahead without looking back.

Much love, Sera

Follow Much Love, Sera

1 comment:

  1. nice :D
    love the shoes :D


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